Why CoQ10 is so important.

December 4, 2022

Dr. Sinatra was one of the first cardiologists to recognize the important healing power of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)—which sparks energy production in every cell of your body, including your heart.

Dr Sinatra has been known to say, "I wish I had a nickel for every person who has told me they have less energy now than they had years ago and blame it on 'getting old.' When I tell them the lack of energy they feel could be a coenzyme Q10 deficient, they're often surprised."

CoQ10 does four important things.

  • It sparks energy production in every cell of your body, including heart.
  • Plus, it scavenges and destroys free radicals that cause cardiovascular problems and heart disease.
  • Fueling your body with CoQ10 is one of the most important things you can do for your heart.
  • Can significantly lower pain by decreasing inflammatory cytokines, such as Interleukin-6 (IL-6).

CoQ10 is an essential nutrient that is involved in the energy production process in the mitochondria.These are the tiny “energy factories” inside each of your cells.

These cellular power plants create energy in the form of ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, from the food you eat combined with oxygen.

This is much like an automobile engine which requires gasoline and oxygen to crease power.

No Gasoline = No power
No CoQ10 = No power

Since one of the major benefits of CoQ10 is to create cellular energy, and since the heart needs a constant supply of energy. CoQ10 is critical for heart health.

Indeed, researchers now believe most health issues start with damage to the mitochondria, which reduces energy needed for all aspects of your cells’ energy needs.

No matter your age, it’s never too early – or late – to start giving your mitochondria the protection and support they may need.

One of your body’s best protective mechanisms is with this super-antioxidant.

There has been an explosion in medical literature over the past few years describing the many benefits of CoQ10, including improvement in:

  • Blood pressure
  • Blood lipids
  • Blood sugar
  • Diabetes
  • Glaucoma
  • As well as anti-aging benefits

How Does CoQ10 help you make energy?

In 2007 a group of researchers studying human mitochondria discovered some important findings:

  • Mitochondrial breakdown and dysfunction are reversible in their early stages
  • Certain nutrients may offer potent protection from damage and dysfunction
  • Permanent DNA damage in the cell may not occur until nearly a decade after the first signs of age-related mitochondrial damage appear.  

When your mitochondria produce optimal levels of ATP, or energy, your cells thrive and so do your organs. And when your body has abundant fuel for all its functions, you can often feel that extra energy and stamina in your everyday life.

Your body’s production and levels of CoQ10 throughout your body start to diminish around the age of 30.

This is part of of a descending hormonal cascade that can make us feel "old." This includes diminished production of

  • Testosterone,
  • HGH - human growth hormone
  • Estrogen
  • Progesterone
  • Melatonin
  • And all those other things that make us feel "vibrant and youthful."

With proper attention, this diminishing production can be influenced by lifestyle, herbs and supplements.

Quite a few things can affect your body’s production of CoQ10 and also its conversion from the less bioactive ubiquinone to the active ubiquinol form. These include:

  • Increased metabolic demand.
  • Oxidative stress.
  • Insufficient dietary CoQ10 intake.
  • Shortage of factors required for biosynthesis and ubiquinol conversion.
  • Potential effects from illness and disease.
  • Age-related changes in your genes.

Although coenzyme Q10 is produced can wane dramatically in the presence of certain diseases and the use of certain medications.As your CoQ10 levels decline they can significantly affect how you feel, making you feel less energetic and "older" than you are.Cardiovascular Health

The heart is one of the few organs in the body that functions continuously, without resting. Therefore, the heart muscle (myocardium) requires the largest level of energetic support of any organ in your body. In fact, any condition that causes a decrease in CoQ10 can impair the energetic capacity of the heart, leaving the tissues more susceptible to free radical damage.

CoQ10 is important for all energy-dependent processes, and is especially helpful in strengthening contraction of the heart muscle. CoQ10 is also important for protection against free radical damage to the arterial vessels.

In a double-blind crossover trial, patients received either 100 mg CoQ10/day or placebo for 12 weeks.Compared with placebo, patients receiving CoQ10 demonstrated significant support of cardiac function and increased tolerance for physical activity.

In another study, 109 patients received an average dose of 225 mg of CoQ10 per day. After an average treatment period of 4.4 months, CoQ10 helped in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels in more than half of the patients.CoQ10 has been shown to be a preventive factor in reducing low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation- a major factor for supporting healthy cholesterol levels.Antioxidant

CoQ10's power doesn’t stop here, though. It actually plays another highly important role in your body as an antioxidant.

After it helps your mitochondria with ATP regeneration, the efficient CoQ10  – in its reduced form, ubiquinol – serves as an antioxidant, protecting heart cell membranes and mitochondria from oxidative damage. Ubiquinol even travels through your bloodstream to quench free radicals and prevent oxidation of LDL in blood vessels.

Oxidative stress is a condition that occurs when there is an imbalance between free radicals and the antioxidants required to neutralize them, leading to oxidative damage in the body.

The extent of oxidative stress depends on the rate of free radical generation, the level of antioxidant reserves and the rate of repair of cellular and tissue damage. This process has a significant impact on the body’s aging process. Neurological Health

Neurons (individual nerve cells) are characterized by high rates of metabolic activity and the need to respond quickly to energy demanding fluctuations in the brain.

Reduced ATP production, can promote neuronal dysfunction and degeneration in the central nervous system.

As an effective carrier with strong antioxidant properties, CoQ10 has been shown to promote neurological health.


Japanese researchers at a major medical center decided to take a closer look at ubiquinol’s potential to slow aging in mice.

They chose specially bred mice with an accelerated aging process to study the effects of the ubiquinol form of CoQ10 and compared to a control group of mice that received no supplementation during their lifetimes.

When all the mice reached the equivalent human age of 90 to 100, the differences between the control group and the ubiquinol groups were dramatic.

The control group (that had received no supplementation) showed significant signs of aging and health deterioration.

The mice that received the reduced version of CoQ10, or ubiquinol, over their lifetime showed greater energy and ease of movement as well as healthier mitochondria and overall wellness.

The only difference between the groups was ubiquinol. Only the mice that received ubiquinol over their entire lifespan showed positive results.

This revealing study both surprised and confirmed researchers’ suspicions: Ubiquinol was indeed in a class of its own for its potential benefits against the typical signs of aging.


In our clinic, we have been made aware of several medical doctors that use  higher dosage CoQ10 for pain relief.

In our research into the additional methods of action of CoQ10, we found that hit is a significant suppressor of interleukin 6 (IL-6). Interleukin-6 is a major player in increased level of inflammation and pain.

We have several patients that have experienced dramatic reductions in pain and inflammation, including gouty arthritis pain, through the use of higher dose CoQ10.


You can help optimize the health and efficiency of every cell in your body by supporting your mitochondria function.

  • You can help increase the total number of mitochondria in your cells by exercising.
  • High-intensity interval exercise is especially beneficial.
  • You can boost the efficiency of your mitochondria by insuring getting the proper nutrients.
  • At your next appointment, talk about the specific micronutrients that you might need for your "fountain of youth."

https://products.mercolamarket.com/coq10-ubiquinol/?ui=a4c81ecf32bcf4c93eae5a9a8102761cc503a2e6531b8d6155e402590f362234&sd=20110607&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=ban2HL&cid=20221127_HL2&cid=DM1294475&bid=1655358723Kettawan, A., Kunthida, C., Takahashi, T., Kishi, T., Chikazawa, J., Sakata, Y., Yano, E., Watabe, K., Yamamoto, Y., & Okamoto, T. (2007). The quality control assessment of commercially available coenzyme q(10)-containing dietary and health supplements in Japan. Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition, 41(2), 124–131. https://doi.org/10.3164/jcbn.2007017Hojerova J. Coenzyme Q10- its importance, properties and use in nutrition and cosmetics. Ceska Slov Farm 2000;49:199-123: [Slovak].Ikematsu H, Nakamura K, Harashima S, Fujii K, Fukutomi N. Safety assessment of coenzyme Q10 (Kaneka Q10) in healthy subjects: a double-blind, randomized, placebocontrolled trial. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2006 Apr;44(3): 212-8.Hargreaves IP, Duncan AJ, Heales SJ, Land JM. The effect of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors on coenzyme Q10: possible biochemical/clinical implications. Drug Saf 2005;28:659-676.Langsjoen PH, Vadhanavikit S, Folkers K. Effective treatment with coenzyme Q10 of patients with chronic myocardial disease. Drugs Explt Clin Res 1985;11:577-579.Langsjoen P, Langsjoen P, Willis R, Folkers K. Treatment of essential hypertension with Coenzyme Q10. Molec Aspects Med 1994;15(Suppl):S265-S272.Stocker R, Bowry VW, Frei B. Ubiquinol-10 protects human low density lipoprotein more efficiently against lipid peroxidation than does alpha-tocopherol. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1991;88(5):1646-50.Gaby AR. The role of coenzyme q10 in clinical medicine: Part II. Cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and infertility. Altern Med Review 1996; 1(3): 168- 175.Shigeta Y, Izumi K. Abe H. Effect of coenzyme Q7 treatment on blood sugar and ketone bodies of diabetics. J Vitaminol 1966;12:293-298.Mancuso M, Orsucci D, Calsolaro V, Choub A, Siciliano G. Coenzyme Q10 and Neurological Diseases. Pharmaceuticals 2009; 2:134-149.<iframe src='https://media.mercola.com/assets/html/mercola/citation.htm' scrolling='no' noresize='noresize' frameborder='0' allowTransparency='true' width='900' height='285'></iframe>