1.Boost total body voltage, when it’s normal, the craniosacral pump will keep working.Excise, Acupuncture, PEMF,light therapy are ways to boost voltage.
2.Correct lymphatic drainage from the head
3.Level of humic and fulvic acid
4.Normal stomach acid makes amino acids.
5.Noraml nitric oxide levels.
6.Eliminate any dental infections that are in the acupuncture circuits to the eyes to stop damage from thioethers and gliotoxins.
7.Be sure your blood pressure is high enough to get blood to the brain and eyes 120-140/80-90 unless you are diabetic or have kidney disease.
8.The liver has to be functional to provide glucose to the eyes.
9.The gall bladder has to work properly to adsorb fats to repair eyes.for people don’t have a gall bladder, take bile with each meal.
10.Be sure there is no unrecognized damage occurring to the optic nerves.
11.Don’t stop or reduce your eye medication without being instructed to do so by your eye doctor.
Writen by Jerry Tennant,MD,FAAO
Note from the book Healing Eye Disease