Why Low Cholesterol is dangerous for you.

December 4, 2022

Study Find that Low Cholesterol in Elderly Doubles the Risk of Early Death.

Studies have found that in the elderly, a total cholesterol level of less than 189 can double the risk of early death.

The studies included 4520 men and women between the ages of 65-84.

Physicians were informed to consider very low levels of cholesterol as potential warning signs of a serious disease or as signals of rapidly declining health.

The studies concluded that low total cholesterol was associated with a higher risk of death.

Low cholesterol level is a robust predictor of mortality in the non-demented elderly and may be a surrogate marker of frailty or subclinical disease according to the research team.

Schedule an appointment to see how you can support your cholesterol and enjoy your life.

Brescianini S, Maggi S, Farchi G, Mariotti S, Di Carlo A, Baldereschi M, Inzitari D; ILSA Group. Low total cholesterol and increased risk of dying: are low levels clinical warning signs in the elderly? Results from the Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2003 Jul;51(7):991-6.

Schupf N, Costa R, Luchsinger J, Tang MX, Lee JH, Mayeux R. Relationship between plasma lipids and all-cause mortality in nondemented elderly. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005 Feb;53(2):219-26.

Writen by Dr. John Nieters, DAOM, L.Ac, M.Sc. CFMP