Post-COVID recovery and Brain wellness

December 4, 2022

The past few years, our world has delved into understanding the best ways to treat COVID-19. While science has come to partially understand the virus and how it interacts with the body, the new challenge has become treating post-COVID symptoms.

The vast majority of Dr Emily's patients who have had COVID, and many who have not had COVID but had multiple vaccinations, are experiencing exacerbations of prior symptoms that had been in remission for quite a while.

If you, or someone you know, may be experiencing daily symptoms of "LONG COVID." It can be frustrating that medical practitioners feel that this is relatively uncommon, or that they simply don't know how to treat it.

We are finding in our clinical practice, that many post-COVID patients are reporting that they feel almost normal again. However, when we compare their pre-COVID energy levels, their pulse characteristics and tongue characteristics, we find that they have not recovered to their prior pre-COVID baseline.

There are many case reports of increasing vision problems. These include increased rates of macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, etc. Because these symptoms tend to be gradual, patients are not associating them with Post-COVID.

The two most reported issues from our patients are brain fog and fatigue. Fortunately, these are both treatable. Unfortunately, many people are not seeking treatment for them.

It's important to remember that all of these symptoms are highlighting a deeper, pathological and dangerous process. Many of these symptoms involve increased brain inflammation and decreased brain health.

Fortunately, we now have very good and reasonably priced testing to identify specific biomarkers of anti-immune pathologies in the brain.

We see many people who are currently dealing with unexplained symptoms but are not attributing them to COVID. Having worked with many patients at the clinic for a long time, it is quite clear COVID has exacerbations of their symptoms:

* Increased fatigue

* Progressive vision issues

* Glaucoma

* Retinal/ macular degeneration issues

* Floaters

* Cataracts

* Arthritis

* Headaches

* Hair Loss

* Sleep Issues

* Adrenal and Thyroid issues

* Abdominal Problems

* Menstrual irregularities

* Reactivation of prior illness

* Lyme Disease

* Epstein Barr and other viruse

While their conditions have gotten worse and are not attributed to COVID.

Dr Emily has noticed clinically that all these conditions are highly treatable with significant lowering of symptoms.

If you have experienced lingering symptoms since COVID or vaccines and are not feeling 100% after, be sure to get treatment.

Many of these conditions are indicators of problems that can or will affect the brain. Statistics are showing early onset dementia has increased 200% from 2013-2017, and the average age of diagnosis being 49.

These numbers will likely get worse from 2018-2022.

The past few years, our world has delved into understanding the best ways to treat COVID-19. While science has come to partially understand the virus and how it interacts with the body, the new challenge has become treating post-COVID symptoms.

The vast majority of Dr Emily's patients who have had COVID, and many who have not had COVID but had multiple vaccinations, are experiencing exacerbations of prior symptoms that had been in remission for quite a while.

If you, or someone you know, may be experiencing daily symptoms of "LONG COVID." It can be frustrating that medical practitioners feel that this is relatively uncommon, or that they simply don't know how to treat it.

We are finding in our clinical practice, that many post-COVID patients are reporting that they feel almost normal again. However, when we compare their pre-COVID energy levels, their pulse characteristics and tongue characteristics, we find that they have not recovered to their prior pre-COVID baseline.

There are many case reports of increasing vision problems. These include increased rates of macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, etc. Because these symptoms tend to be gradual, patients are not associating them with Post-COVID.

The two most reported issues from our patients are brain fog and fatigue. Fortunately, these are both treatable. Unfortunately, many people are not seeking treatment for them.

It's important to remember that all of these symptoms are highlighting a deeper, pathological and dangerous process. Many of these symptoms involve increased brain inflammation and decreased brain health.

Fortunately, we now have very good and reasonably priced testing to identify specific biomarkers of anti-immune pathologies in the brain.

We see many people who are currently dealing with unexplained symptoms but are not attributing them to COVID. Having worked with many patients at the clinic for a long time, it is quite clear COVID has exacerbations of their symptoms:

* Increased fatigue

* Progressive vision problems

* Glaucoma

* Retinal/ macular degeneration problems

* Floaters

* Cataracts

* Arthritis

* Headaches

* Hair Loss

* Sleep Issues

* Adrenal and Thyroid problems

* Abdominal Problems

* Menstrual irregularities

* Reactivation of prior illness

* Lyme Disease

* Epstein Barr and other viruses

While their conditions have gotten worse and are not attributed to COVID.

Dr Emily experiences that all these conditions are highly treatable with significant lowering of symptoms.

If you have experienced lingering symptoms since COVID or vaccines and are not feeling 100% after, be sure to get treatment.

Many of these conditions are indicators of problems that can or will affect the brain. Statistics are showing early onset dementia has increased 200% from 2013-2017, and the average age of diagnosis being 49.

These numbers will likely get worse from 2018-2022.

Protect your brain

Protect health

Take action


Writen by Dr. John Nieters, DAOM, L.Ac, M.Sc. CFMP